Tree Sisters
Tree Sisters is a UK charity planting millions of trees, with the goal of a billion a year. Forests, which sequester carbon, can have a real impact to slow climate change. In countries including Kenya, Brazil, Madagascar, and Nepal, Tree Sisters employs people, especially women, to plant trees, which increases clean water, habitat for endangered species, gives women the resources to educate their children, and even prevents further deforestation.
Founded by Clare Dubois, a former teacher, Tree Sisters was inspired when she crashed into a tree, which saved her from going over the edge of a gully and being seriously injured. During the crash, she received a vision from of uniting women around the world to give back to the Earth by reforesting the tropics. The tropics are particularly crucial to stabilize the climate.
Being a Tree Sister is an experience of being connected through the roots of an enormous, growing forest floor of women extending around the world.
Nature awaits each of us to consciously come home to her. She is always with us because we are nature and nature is us. You, too, can experience the joy of becoming a Restorer along with thousands of other Tree Sisters and some Tree Brothers. For more information, check out